Nathan has over thirty years in youth and community athletics, with over twenty year of that in sports program administration at the community and state level.
Southern Soccer Academy
Emerged into Recreation Director from Commissioner in only one year. Developed a player development academy with 1,000 Participants annually.
NASA (North Atlanta Soccer Association) TOPHAT program began with 400 Participants Annually at one Park, and grew to 2,700 at multiple locations. Implemented Coach & Parent Education Program. Companies that Care Program Partnership in local community
Coerver Coaching
Expanded the Coerver Teaching Method to clubs, parks and rec, schools and churches other community organizations that work with soccer. We are not a club, we are a soccer educational provider.
Kennesaw State University – Instructor in Division 1 Sports Academics
During this period, Nathan was able to earn a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, as well as a Master’s in Health, Physical Education and Recreation. He is currently working on his Ph. D. while continuing to manage and build the State of Georgia program for Coerver Coaching World Wide.