We continue our listing of folks who have advised us and made suggestions along the way. All brilliant, and we couldn’t have gotten this far without their suggestions and teachings.
Garth Nagra: Former head of all sports and athletics programs for the Indian Navy. Brilliant administrator.
Jack McBirney: Massachusetts based Franchise Consultant. Excellent policy making advice and guidance. Prepared and developed hundreds of franchise programs.
Timothy Ingraham: Vice Chairman of the The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation. Instrumental in developing the concept of sports tourism and live event promotion at casino’s and gaming facilities.
James Krause, Phd: Sports Management instructor and inspiration.
Gary J. Pernice, JD: Former Junior White House Counsel, National Counsel to the National Charity Awards, co-founder of the Greater Atlanta Business Network. Gary works with state officials across the country, as well as entertainers, sports figures and community leaders.
Marijean Stallings: Retired Tennis Professional. Former National Sports Director and Tennis Tournaments Celebrity for the National Charity Awards. First female Board Member for State of Georgia Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Member National Football League Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Basil Constentaras, LLB: LLB, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Veteran in the South African army, serving as Chief of Staff Personnel, Headquarters. Admitted as “Advocate” (Attorney) before the Supreme Court of South Africa. Business contacts in over 30 nations.